• Black Leaf goes Twitch
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Payment / Dispatch

Black Leaf Paraphernalia Payment terms & options
Payment Terms

All orders made on the Black Leaf Paraphernalia website, (www.blackleaf.de) need to be paid in advance of shipping. As soon as your payment has been received by us, we will ship you the goods, immediately via DHL postal delivery.

Payments must be received, within 14 days, of making your order, otherwise it will be assumed it is no longer required and will be automatically canceled, without prior notice.

Your order may be paid by these methods:

Payment by bank transfer

Please transfer your payment, including the shipping costs, quoting your order/invoice number, to:
Account name:
Micropac GmbH
Bank Account Number: 169350509
Bank Code: 37010050
Bank name: Postbank Koeln

International customers, please use:
BIC/Swift Code:

Payment by credit card

You may pay with, Visa or MasterCard, during checkout and once your payment is verified, your ordered items are considered paid and will be packed & dispatched by us, promptly.


Alter bestätigen

Die Inhalte unseres Black Leaf Online-Angebots richten sich ausschließlich an Erwachsene über 18 Jahren.
Bitte bestätige, dass du volljährig bist.

Ich bin mindestens 18 Jahre alt
Alter bestätigen

Hiermit bestätige ich, dass ich mindestens 18 Jahre als bin.

Ich bin 18 oder älter

Micropac GmbH
Bonner Str. 11a
D-53773 Hennef

Tel.: 0 22 42 - 87 41 62 75
Fax-Nummer: 0 22 42 - 8 74 16 29
E-Mail Adresse:

Geschäftsführer: Ernst Meerbeck
USt-IDNr.: DE263626682
Handelsregister Nr.: HRB 10355, AG Siegburg

Online-Streitbeilegung gemäß Art. 14 Abs. 1 ODR-VO:
Die Europäische Kommission stellt eine Plattform zur Online-Streitbeilegung (OS) bereit, die Sie unter http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/ finden.