• Black Leaf goes Twitch
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How and when can you return goods to us?

Returns within Germany

If you would like to return goods to us within the scope of right of revocation or warranty claims, please use the return slip provided with it, so that we can better assign the return shipment. You can find it in your package.

For minor damage or complaints of the attachments of e.g. Glasbongs asked you to contact us by e-mail in advance, so that we can decide whether a return is necessary, or whether you dispose of the product itself.
Return Form

Returns within Europe

If you would like to return the goods received from an EU member state to us, you can do so via our return form. We then contacted you to clarify the options available to your country with you.
Return Form

Returns Worldwide

For worldwide returns requests outside Europe, please use our return form. We then contacted you to clarify the options with you.
Return Form

Alter bestätigen

Die Inhalte unseres Black Leaf Online-Angebots richten sich ausschließlich an Erwachsene über 18 Jahren.
Bitte bestätige, dass du volljährig bist.

Ich bin mindestens 18 Jahre alt
Alter bestätigen

Hiermit bestätige ich, dass ich mindestens 18 Jahre als bin.

Ich bin 18 oder älter

Micropac GmbH
Bonner Str. 11a
D-53773 Hennef

Tel.: 0 22 42 - 87 41 62 75
Fax-Nummer: 0 22 42 - 8 74 16 29
E-Mail Adresse:

Geschäftsführer: Ernst Meerbeck
USt-IDNr.: DE263626682
Handelsregister Nr.: HRB 10355, AG Siegburg

Online-Streitbeilegung gemäß Art. 14 Abs. 1 ODR-VO:
Die Europäische Kommission stellt eine Plattform zur Online-Streitbeilegung (OS) bereit, die Sie unter http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/ finden.